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The fire has grown to over 24,000 acres and is currently 22% contained. Helicopters have been working at the lake every day. The hardworking crews have made a fire break and contingency lines east of us and are working hard to make sure camp remains safe. We are so grateful that so many people are working on this fire, as resources are spread thin through the state.


The fire has grown to over 20,000 acres and is currently 19% contained. As of this morning, it is progressing toward the east and the western edge is more or less holding. We are thinking about our friends and families with homes in Alta Sierra, Wofford Heights and other impacted areas and are hoping that Smoking Feathers continues to take care of us.


We spoke with fire personnel yesterday who told us that camp is not in immediate danger at this time. Fire crews continue to take water from the lake, as it is one of the closest sources available. We’re grateful that we’re on the radar of people fighting this fire and hope that winds will remain in our favor.


As of this morning, the French Fire is now 10% contained. Helicopters came to our lake to take water and we expect this to continue. The western edge of the fire seems to be holding for now, which is good for camp.


To Our JRC Family:

The French Fire is burning very close to camp. It has crested Greenhorn Summit and is now rolling towards Cedar Creek. This is a big fire and obviously a cause for concern.

We remain optimistic at this time. Firefighters have always worked very hard to protect us, and we know that they will do so again.

Ross and Debby have been working with a group that came up for family camp and everyone has been pitching in to secure things around the ranch. The livestock has been evacuated to the rodeo grounds and are safely corralled.

We will keep you posted on developments as they come in, but if you’d like to watch it yourself, Twitter seems to have the best, most up-to-date information.

Please keep us in your thoughts today and think of winds from the west.


Erica & the JRC Crew.